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Our projects

Home Based Care
The project is currently funded by Sasol in Gert Sibande district (Embalenhle, Kinross, Charl Cilliers and Leandra) of Mpumalanga.
Through this project, PSASA care supporters assess clients and provide clinical, psychological, social, spiritual and prevention services to clients and family members. Possible TB and HIV-infected clients are referred to health care facilities for further counseling, TB screening and HIV testing, CD4 count, management of opportunistic infections and to access ARV treatment if needed. The care supporters ensure that the TB clients adhere and comply to prescribed medication through Directly Observed Treatments Short- Course (DOTS) and ongoing counseling.
The care supporters provide ongoing adherence support to monitor clients to comply with ARV and TB treatment. For clinical or physical care, care supporters provide ongoing assessment, counseling and support for the possible TB and HIV-infected clients such as bathing, wound dressing, massaging, oral care and hygiene, and feeding for those who cannot feed themselves. Each Home Based Care project has a drop-in- center for Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) where the children come to eat and get helped with their school work.

Prevention in High Transmission Areas
PSASA is an experienced organization in running peer education among Most at Risk Population (sex workers) since 1998. The project spans Gert Sibande, Enkangala and Ehlanzeni in Mpumalanga. The process starts with identifying high transmission areas where vulnerable groups are found in transmission of HIV and STI’s. Mapping is done and peer educators (sex workers) are recruited and trained on HIV/AIDS and STI’s. They are further mentored on how to reach other sex workers and their clients who are at risk for HIV and STI transmission such as engaging in casual sexual encounters, engaging in sex in exchange of money or favors, having sex with an HIV-positive partner or whose status is unknown at various hot spots like bars, tavern and truck stops. The peer educators (sex workers) engage in health talk, community outreach, distribute condoms and make referrals i.e. STI, HCT, ARV, and TB. The referral mechanism is in two ways: firstly, the peer educators refer the possible and confirmed TB and HIV/AIDS clients to the clinic/hospital for screening and for management. Secondly, the clinic refers all the confirmed TB and HIV/AIDS clients to the workers for basic care and support to be cared
for at home.

Amaqhawe Project
The Amaqhawe project is a prevention programme targeted at sex workers working from taverns in Gert Sibande District. The project is the joint effort of PSASA as sub partner and Health and Development Africa (HDA) as prime partner. The project aims to reduce the risk of HIV infections among sex workers who are identified as Most at Risk Population. The slogan of the project is “Sitholulwazi ukuze sizivikele” in Zulu meaning we have got knowledge to protect ourselves. Some of the project activities include a risk reduction training, peer education training, support visit, systems strengthening, quarterly magazine addressing various issues faced by SWs, outreach campaign-one on one and group interventions with sex workers, condom and lubricant distribution.


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